Friday, December 25, 2009

How To Reduce Creases In Shoes


This is an appeal. Un'appello to all those who have followed the story to each other (ie each other, not in Vicenza) told by journalists to politicians, from politicians to bishops, bishops dowsers and diviners dumb dumb journalists, which, however, not understanding the language of gestures are left to guess and then they told us everything. We do. Here are all but forgotten for some time. They have all forgotten what scarring the image of a community has brought another, and to injury, the insult was not even mentioned (I do not say Minzolini) by any serious journalist (and it is clear that I do not mean Minzolini) . Imagine, be exploited for sinister action and without moral principles (but perhaps with principals moral or immoral) and be thrown (with all that implies) on one face of the can. For this launch this appeal (scansatevi). Out of respect to all the statues (including the MSI-Movement-Statuettes Italian Community Party at PCDI-Icons-and-Society SSSS furnishings meaningless) to restore the dignity of all those statues which has been stripped of dignity (and whose prices have gone up) who have not received any hint of apology, nor even signs of solidarity. Therefore I greet all the domes, the gondolas, the David, the Colosseum, the Parthenon, the amphitheatres, all with snow domes, arches of triumph, the statue of liberty (etc.) that are following us home. And a Special thanks to the initiative tomatoes overexcited. [... Promoters of the aforementioned ... Ndt]


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