apples of evil I piss
There was a free world where everyone thought the way he wanted.
There was a group of people who believe that the apples were demonic because they had read in the notes of chocolates.
One day one of them became the head of government.
He decided to ban the apples because they were demonic.
Vendors and consumers of apples apples opposed: they did not believe the notes of chocolate, and said that if those who did believe they had simply avoided eating them as they had always done, everyone would express their thoughts in words and deed and were all free to think as you wanted.
The promoters of the anti-apple campaign said they did so to preserve the soul of people, and to have a non-demonic.
Campaigners pro-apple told them not interested in saving the soul, why did not believe they have one, and that the company had always gone ahead without problems directly related to apples.
Thus was destroyed all the apples and cut all the trees.
That same day, a researcher discovered that apples cared ignorance.
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