The song of the moment
There was a girl who looked like a magpie
As he dressed
Using a sledgehammer
This girl was called fajiolina
He had a friend who was called FAAAVAAA
And that was why they made together
salad love
salad that is different
dall'insalata of rice Giulia
the quality and diversity, as there is the tuna
the giusy did not eat as a vegetarian
But some say
tuna is instead a plant
I support him instead
And eat pitch
And I had it
The past tense of do
Why I do not think that a
you give to a stranger
The fajiolina allowed himself to a stranger who passed away on
This stranger had a long beard and yellow teeth as the FAAVAAA
The beans had yellow teeth as he ate the stranger, the stranger
eat like teeth yellow bean that
were the unknown!
The fajiolina,
the fajiolina allowed himself a moment, but it seemed forever
In a moment fajiolina
lost all his fajiolinità!
Since he had never felt the pea!
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