Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Asking For Contribution For Marriage Gift


Status Quorum Nothing is for a time. On the other hand, a great victory!
The "Party Demolitelo" regretted that there were more provinces by Ballotta, maybe adding the province of Courmayeur, Iesolo and Gallipoli, the PD would have reached as much as 128% of the voters' consent.
The "People of the Dragonflies" regrets the fact that all the voters of the PDL abstained, otherwise he would reach the 349%, that is the majority of Italians straassoluta. According to the spokesman for Italian Bonaiuti 4 to 1 vote for Berlusconi.
The "Lega Nerd" disappointed with the result, but victorious. The ministry Maroni said that if he had extended the right to vote is also the embryos reached sarebe abstention amounted to 1087% to absolute zero record of Referendum: the turnout would have been -18%. Remains opposed to the vote to immigrants Maroni said the vote open for UFOs.
also disappointed that the Communists would have preferred election by show of hand.
Although all were sorry for not have done more, encouraged one another to have made more than others, and that's good.

Never be that sooner or later someone loses an election.

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Ikusa Otome Valkyrie Watching Online

This is just the truth.

The other day called me on the phone logic. She was upset. He said that everyone ignores. I did not know what to do. I told her that after all the millennia that have heed, though for a while 'some neglect it, not the end of the world. He hung up. Yes we say that when you get the point of maintaining that even though A is equal to B, B of A is slightly less than A is not equal to itself, perhaps slightly force the fundamental cornerstones of the Hegelian dialectic, but at least I will not say common use. Platonic, Aristotelian, diving suits, isometric. Or something like that. At the moment I do not remember, and basically I do not care either. Why so long as it is believed that when the referee signals a foul, the referee is to blame, when in fact many would feel responsible for not saying the foul, but at least those who have committed, not going anywhere, except I do not say the Moon, but at least House. Yes I know that mine is despotic populism but what can I do, I did the following: raving. Some may criticize me for being too filomonarchico because I think the logic of sovereign discourse and communication, but at least I will not say courtly sense. Others might invade my expectations of the viewer debates esteemed expectations so spectacularly comprehensive and coherent slandering my needs of correctness of logicoformale justicialism media. But what can I do. I am a person who needs the good sense of things when things are to make real good sense. For the rest I am a lover of the convulsive experiment of free stream of my ego and malformed hunchback soul. But I do not mean to offend anyone, let alone someone. Do not ever give me that the subversive Marxist. I'm just a bit 'demanding, that's all.

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Repairing White Gloss Finish

The Search for Status Quorum

looking for the certainty of the pen, putting a cross on a monosyllable to cassus. Now all that why do not you undertake to reach the status Quorum. Mannasseroaffangul. Status Quorum must be achieved because everyone can say they have achieved. Even those who do not want it at all. Type those farmers who are excited patrol on Thursday evening. At the referendum, as I do: cancel the card. The reasons are many. First: you reach the Status Quorum. Second, is to protest the lack of information you have on this referendum, for the symbolic meaning that now is now taking in these years, to send to urinate and carry out needs q uei excited peasants who poured accidentally (or more less) from the filth sties to the Chambers. In this way you do not vote yes to bring down attempts bipartitizzare Italian politics, and you do not vote no, not to support the porcellum.


the referendum on June 21 GO TO VOTE!

