Who, please? A
mica do not need a revolution. Just the memory. Front of the past and present neighbors. We are without memory. Yet we graduated from memory, the memory medals, days of memory, loss of memory, the memory we sell, we fill the memory, change the memory, compress memory, defragment the memory, scandisk, debugging, 180 Gigabytes. Let the bit, byte, kilobyte, megabyte, gigabyte, the terabyte, petabyte on the exabyte, the zettabyte, the yottabyte. Czech Republic spaces to fill. We do this because we have forgotten how to do it with our brain. Our brain is saturated with sitcom, Sit-In, Sit-Down, Download, Dow Jones, Indiana Jones, Soap Opera, Reality Show, Variety, X Factor, Big Brother, Sing thou, Sanremo, Murder, Rape, Focus on ' murder, rape investigation. We are full of emptiness. So we are looking for expandable memory, external drives, USB sticks, I-pod nano 7 GB, Digital TV, white paper. Deform space as we wish, but we do distort the content. We are off like a fuse, a coitus interruptus, a leap in the dark, an egg, a pinhead, a face like a pie in the face. We are free memory with Alice Free. We are strainers with holes too big. We are. Conditional Simple. Probation. And the air conditioner. To be conditioned. And controlled. And controlled. It collapsed. Sticking. The sides. Ital ia.
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